Tuesday 1 March 2011

10 Commandments For Reflective Writing

10 Commandments For Reflective Writing:

  1. Focus on creative decisions informed by institutional knowledge
  2. Focus on creative decisions informed by theoretical understanding
  3. Evaluate the process - Dont just describe it
  4. Relate your media to real life media at the micro level (shots, mise en scene, etc.)
  5. Try to deconstruct yourself (this is hard!)
  6. Choose clearly relevant micro examples to relate to marco (genre, rep, etc.) reflective themes
  7. Aviod binary oppositions
  8. Try to write about your broader media culture
  9. Adapt a metadiscource (sum up)
  10. Quote, Paraphrase, Reference

1 comment:

  1. In the medical field, we're used to much of the writing being of the largely objective, strictly technical variety. Regardless, reflective writing is a consistently regular part of the curriculum in most types of medical and health science courses.

    What is reflective writing? In a technical sense, this form of composition involves considering the larger context, the meaning and the implications behind an experience. For medical studies, this is used to get the student to list down thoughts and ideas they learned from educational and practical experiences. Why? Because a self-examination such as that enabled by reflective writing allows you insights into your own thought processes that can aid your overall development in the field.

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